
How To Use Wooden Block Stamps

Henna (Mehndi) Designing using Wooden Blocks Stamps

Mehndi as an " Art "

Mehndi is a traditional temporary form of trunk art using "Henna" which has been practiced for over 5000 years in Islamic republic of pakistan, India, Africa and Middle East. Mehndi (Henna) has numerous creative uses including designing, decoration, adornment, cooling agent (mainly adept  past the people of Rajasthan in the past) for making temporary skin tattoos and likewise practical equally a ceremonial ritual in many cultures.

Henna (Mehndi) Designing using Wooden Blocks

How is Mehndi made????

Mehndi pulverisation is made past milling and sifting the dried leaves of HENNA plant (botanical name: Lawsonia inermis). For using Henna powder for adornment and designing of trunk especially hands, palms, feet, legs, shoulder back this pulverization is converted into creamy paste and and so applied on skin using cones and wooden blocks. Mehndi will stain cherry to dark-brown color.

Now just by simple clicking you can shop Henna mehndi powder at your doorstep by visiting "" . We take also got a wide collection of wooden blocks stamps to print your choice having varied designs and patterns including animals, floral motifs, leaf patterns, birds, alphabets, numbers, copse, paisleys, religious patterns and many more than to choose from.

Purchase Wooden Printing Blocks Stamps at

Trunk beautification using Mehndi (Henna) and Wooden Cake Stamps:-

Process for applying  Henna (Mehndi)  for body designing!

At, we will tell you how to employ wooden blocks stamps to decorate your torso especially hands, palms, feet, shoulder back using mehndi  and diverse designs you tin give with wooden blocks.

Purchase Wooden Printing Cake Stamps at


       1. Henna (Mehndi) paste fabricated from Henna (Mehndi) powder.

Yous can purchase Henna (Mehndi) powder online by visiting  Information technology is available in different sizes polypacks (quantity of powder being measured in grams).

Customer Feedback
"Royalkraft has got good fine quality henna powder. Requite good results on aplication. Very much satisfied." - Amy Jones (United kingdom)

To brand Henna (Mehndi) paste just mix xx grams or ¼ cup of Henna (Mehndi) powder with ¼ cup water. Stir the two constituents continuously with spoon till no lumps are formed and you will become the desired Henna (Mehndi) paste of creamy consistency.

2. A piece of sponge,
3. Wooden blocks of different designs which you desire to requite designs on your hands, palms or feet, (You can buy wide collection of wooden blocks designs online past visiting
iv.Tissue newspaper (to wipe off extra henna mehndi paste)

        Sponge Piece         Wooden Blocks         Henna (Mehndi) Paste             Tissue Papers

Step by Step Process of applying Henna(Mehndi ):

  1. Select the area like your easily, feet, and palms or shoulder back which you want to design or decorate with henna (mehndi).

  1. Clean the area chosen with water, dry out it up completely using towel to brand sure that information technology is costless from oils or lotion.

  1. Have the wooden block having desired design which yous to make on the expanse chosen.
    Purchases huge designs collection of wooden blocks from

"Royalkraft has got a wide diversity of wooden blocks to choose from. Actually impressed with their wooden blocks designing. I used to lodge newer designs every time." -Hurley bob, USA

  1. Using a minor piece of sponge spread Henna (Mehndi) paste (prepared beforehand) evenly on the chosen wooden block.
  2. Place this wooden cake on the body surface area called and without applying whatever pressure level, immediately take off the wooden block to go the best impression.

  1. Await for 3-4 hours for drying of Henna (Mehndi). The longer time you will give henna to dry out the more richer colour information technology will give.
  2. When Mehndi will dry out completely and starts flaking off  practise not wash it with water. Only scrap it off with blunt side of knife.
  3. Make a thick solution of lemon juice and sugar. Apply this solution on the mehndi design using cotton once henna starts drying upwards .This will give more rich color to your mehndi design.

Have a look at the video to get more clear idea of henna (mehndi) designing using wooden blocks!

  1. Think to do skin allergy exam for Henna (Mehndi) if you are applying it on your pare for the start fourth dimension.Subsequently doing skin allergy test wait for sometime if y'all go itchy or burning feeling then do not use it.
  1. Henna will requite dissimilar color on different skins and on dissimilar torso areas. Color is darkest on palms. On the other side of hand, the color is much lighter and so on arm it gets lighter. Best color results will come subsequently i to two days of application of Henna (Mehndi).

How To Use Wooden Block Stamps,


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